Ecco, come promesso, le prime creazioni in stile "Alice nel paese delle meraviglie"
Collana con pendente quadrato di 2,5 cm, tutto color argento, nichel free.
Necklace with square's pendant 2,5cm, all in silver color, nickel free.
Orecchini color argento, nichel free.
Silver earrings, nickel free.
Il gatto del Cheshire è un gatto immaginario reso popolare da Lewis Carroll in "Alice nel paese delle meraviglie". Conosciuto per il suo caratteristico sorriso malizioso, il gatto del Cheshire ha avuto un notevole impatto sulla cultura popolare. In Italia è conosciuto come "Stregatto".
The Cheshire Cat is a fictional cat popularised by Lewis Carroll's depiction of it in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Known for his distinctive mischievous grin, the Cheshire Cat has had a notable impact on popular culture. In Italy it is known as "Stregatto".
The Cheshire Cat is a fictional cat popularised by Lewis Carroll's depiction of it in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Known for his distinctive mischievous grin, the Cheshire Cat has had a notable impact on popular culture. In Italy it is known as "Stregatto".
(fonte: wikipedia)
Note: collana e orecchini disponibili su ordinazione / necklace and earrings available on request